Cineca (www.cineca.it/en) has signed an agreement with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts-ECMWF (www.ecmwf.int/) to cooperate throughout the first phase of Destination Earth (stories.ecmwf.int/destination-earth/index.html).
The agreement was signed by both parties in September 2022 and will run until 30 April 2024. The innovative configuration of Destination Earth (cloud-native technology in a multi-site HPC environment) poses some important scientific and technological challenges in which the partnership with Cineca is invaluable. DestinE’s operations intend to connect HPC and cloud-based solutions with several EuroHPC sites using different architectures and ecosystems, Cineca and ECMWF teams will ensure that every element and piece of software is ready and meets these requirements. Some elements of ECMWF’s well-established Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), designed to run in a single, dedicated hardware environment, will need to adapt flexibly to several EuroHPC environments. This process poses specific challenges that the Italian consortium will help to resolve. Cineca will contribute to training the user community to interact with the complex DestinE workflows in hybrid HPC-Cloud environments. Destination Earth’s codes will run on the European Union’s partition of the Leonardo supercomputer (leonardo-supercomputer.cineca.eu/), hosted by Cineca on behalf of the EuroHPC JU and destined to be one of the most powerful in the world.
Exerpt from stories.ecmwf.int/italy-s-cineca-to-accelerate-destination-earth-s-innovative-technology-adoption/index.html