Shaping Europe’s digital future
President of European Commission presented her vision for Digital Europe strategy. HIGHLANDER project goes exactly in the direction expressed by the President
President of European Commission presented her vision for Digital Europe strategy. HIGHLANDER project goes exactly in the direction expressed by the President
The HIGHLANDER kick-off meeting took place on October the 16th, 2019 at CINECA, Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna. Specialists, experts and scientists from all the project partners met to officially start the HIGHLANDER project activities. It has been the chance to confirm the strong commitment of all the partners in achieving the project results: enhance the […]
Highlander project has just started and we are now ready with our brand new website: it will be the place where you will find all the latest about our activities and deepen your knowledge about the main topics and challenges we are going to tackle in the next months. Get to know our partnership, read […]