Raven Industries announced today that it is accepting pre-orders for its first commercially-available Driverless Ag Technology: AutoCart. Part of Raven Autonomy, this autonomous grain cart solution will be available to the market for use in the 2021 harvest season.
AutoCart provides the farmer the ability to monitor and operate a driverless tractor from the cab of the combine. A single grain cart driver can cover 340 hours in the tractor cab during harvest. As AutoCart lets farmers set a field plan, stage locations, adjust speeds, monitor location activity and command the tractor it will ease the stress of harvest and allow farmers to improve their profitability.
Raven Autonomy is changing the ag technology landscape, helping ag professionals be safer, be more efficient and ultimately run their operation with less reliance on human variabilities. Through Raven Autonomy, the company is bringing more driverless ag products to market in the near future as it paves the way in autonomous farming on a global scale. Learn more at https://ravenprecision.com/autonomy.
For further information visit: https://www.precisionfarmingdealer.com/articles/4527-raven-announces-autonomous-autocart