The PHIDIAS project is a real opportunity for the scientific community, land managers and agriculture to take advantage of HPC architecture to facilitate selection and image analysis activities for land surface monitoring. The contribution of state-of-the-art computing and storage capacities associated with the new collaborative and interactive environments and the implementation of open and FAIR dissemination principles will respond to the main bottlenecks identified:
- Bridging the gap between the academic production of algorithms and their exploitation by user communities in the public or private sector,
- Agile access to computing and storage resources enabling the deployment of interactive and collaborative user environments.
We will present both the approach that aims to industrialize this chain to carry it in an HPC environment and the work that aims to build an interactive and collaborative environment offering end users on-demand production of maps.
Event’s Agenda:
15:00 – 15:05 Introduction – Julie Abergas-Arteza, Trust-IT Services, PHIDIAS WP7 Deputy Leader
15:05 – 15:15 Challenges and barriers to the availability of on-demand processing services for the land surface community – Jean Christophe Desconnets, IRD, WP5 Leader
15:15 – 15:25 From processing chains prototyping to HPC-based on-demand services: the example of Soil Moisture Service – Cyprien Alexandre, IRD, Scientific Partner
15:25 – 15:30 Q&A Session
15:30 15:30 Online and on-demand processing of satellite images: Web Processing Service, the missing link in the chain – Gérald Fenoy, Geolabs, Technical Partner
15:40 15:50 Notebook and Datacube: an original approach for exploiting and analysing environmental big data within HPC/HPDA environments – Dorian Ginane, Geomatys, Technical Partner
15:50 – 16:00 Q&A and Closing Remarks
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Click here to read the full article: https://www.phidias-hpc.eu/events/webinars/bridging-gap-facilitate-selection-and-image-analysis-activities-land-surface