
Forest fire prevention is to be considered an activity of great importance in terms of adaptation to climate change.
The conditions potentially favorable to the triggering of forest fires are closely linked to weather conditions, in particular to temperatures and rainfall. Therefore, the rise in temperatures and a variation in the rainfall regime – scenarios expected from the current climate projections – can determine a variation in the danger deriving from forest fires and, consequently, a change in management policies and in contrasting actions aimed at limiting effects of this phenomenon.
This activity aims to analyze the danger of forest fires using high resolution modeling simulations on the past period and on the future period, in order to provide a climate service useful for these purposes.
This use case is related to the previous use case called “Forest fires prediction and controls”.

- Local administrations
- Natural parks management entities
- Associations of tourism-related services suppliers

Contacts: Nicola Loglisci – ARPAP | n.loglisci@arpa.piemonte.it
Simona Barbarino – ARPAP | s.barbarino@arpa.piemonte.it