Data Valley Emilia-Romagna, inaugurato il supercomputer Leonardo
Al Tecnopolo di Bologna, col presidente Mattarella. Capacità di calcolo senza precedenti.
Al Tecnopolo di Bologna, col presidente Mattarella. Capacità di calcolo senza precedenti.
The supercomputer LEONARDO, reached the 4th position on the latest release of the Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world.
Il cambiamento climatico in corso è ormai sotto i nostri occhi con fenomeni molto significativi
DDS release 0.6 has been in production since November 9, 2022.
4 appuntamenti dal 23 novembre al 19 gennaio
The workshop will also be attended by representatives of our partners, ESA and ECMWF, as well as an observer from the European Commission.
In late 2020, the European Union announced plans for its Destination Earth (“DestinE”) moonshot project to create multiple digital twins of Earth
Dynamical Downscaling with COSMO-CLM of historical (1989/2005) and future climate (2006/2050) is the new climate projection dataset available on HIGHLANDER DDS
The most influential event in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences
The interviews were made during the General Assembly in Lecce.
Cineca has signed an agreement with ECMWF to cooperate throughout the first phase of Destination Earth.
The National Agency for Meteorology and Climatology ItaliaMeteo has recently become a member of the Cineca Consortium.