SEBASTIEN, Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union, is a new project related to weather and climate change that started this year.
It can be considered an evolution of Highlander project. HIGHLANDER implemented several Downstream Application and pre-Operational Services (DApOS), addressing different sectors: from agriculture to forestry, from fire prevention to animal wellbeing, among the others. The DApOS on animal wellbeing is the one SEBASTIEN aims to extend and complement by exploiting IoT sensors, already deployed in HIGHLANDER. Moreover, to derive additional climate indicators and indices on livestock wellness, Sebastien will exploit the climate simulations to downscale reanalysis and projections over Italy at a very high unprecedented spatial resolution. These simulations have been produced by Highlander. Sebastien relies on Cineca for the HPC exploitation of monitoring data and on climate simulations data. Datasets, as well as HPC-based tools and services, will be accessible to multiple real users involved during the project.
SEBASTIEN web site