At Sapienza University of Rome, the Early Warning and Early Action–Hydrometeorological and Climate Information for Disaster Risk Reduction conference was held, which addressed meteorology from different points of view. Much has been said about risk mitigation, a field at the center of attention of the Highlander project, as can be seen for example from the DApOS Forest Fires Prediction and also from the activities carried out on increasing the forecasting accuracy at spatial and temporal level and the use of historical observation datasets.
A common theme in several interventions was: the communication of meteorological information. These must be increasingly accessible and understandable also for the citizen in order to induce greater awareness and responsibility regarding the meteorological risks associated with one’s own territory. In this regard, Meteo-Hub https://meteohub.mistralportal.it/app/datasets, the Mistral portal, as a nationwide open meteorological data platform, can contribute to this process.
The conference can be viewed on YouTube