A recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAOUN) reveals that roughly 1.6 billion tons of food per year are either lost or wasted worldwide, resulting in annual losses of USD 1.2 trillion.
With ongoing resource scarcity and a ballooning global population, the UN has set a target to cut down on food wastage by half within the next ten years. But some IoT technology firms believe that food wastage could be minimised by 20% by 2025, and billions of internet of things (IoT) connected devices in food supply chains could be the answer. From the moment food is produced until it is consumed, food is extensively wasted throughout its lifecycle. To address this concern, the government and the food industry must deep dive into the world of IoT as it helps in collecting meaningful data in real-time which has the potential to reveal insights that will help the stakeholders in making informed decisions. Here is how the IoT technology can help food not get wasted in different stages.
Along with creating hunger problems, food waste also harms the environment. The discarded perishables make its way to landfills. During its decaying process, methane gas is emitted. As methane carries about 25% more heat than CO2, it hurts the environment, increasing temperature and health risks. Food waste contributes to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Hence, leveraging IoT in the food supply chain not only helps combat the food waste but also fights climate change.
For further information visit: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/smart-farming-supply-chains-could-minimise-food-wastage/